Matt 3: 4 Johns life style

Posted by Weston

According to Talmage the raiment of camel's hair was not made of camel skin, but instead made of woven camel's hair. This is supported by the writings of Josephus. As for  his diet of Locust and wild honey, John grew up in the desert. According to Christian tradition dating back to the historian Origen in the 3rd century CE King Heron had tried to kill John as an infant, which makes sense because of the miracles surrounding his birth, but Zechariah knowing of Herod's intentions had sent his wife and son into the desert where Herod could not find them. It is logical to assume that in the wilderness they would have met up with one of the many different Bedouin groups that lived in the Judean wilderness. There he would have been raised on the food available in the wilderness. Locusts are a normal staple of life for the poorer people in the Arab nations to this day. That John ate Locusts would have set him apart as a poorer individual in Jewish society. According to James Tamage in Jesus the Christ there are more wild honeybees in Israel then there are those kept in hives. This it makes sense for John to eat these things.


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