Matt 4: Between verses 11 and 12

Posted by Weston

Each of the four gospels contains the testimony of one of the Apostles regarding the life and mission of Christ. Each of them chose different events to speak of, and some might have been only known by a few. Thus it makes sense that the scriptural accounts differ from one another on the chronology of certain events. There is actually quite a bit that occurs between verses 11 and 12 of Matthiew. The first meeting between Philip, Andrew, Peter and Christ, while in the wilderness of they where learning from John. Nathanial meets the savior and together they go to the wedding in Cana, where Christ performs his first miracles.
As you can see a lot happens between these two verses. to read the account in chronological order i would advise consulting the LDS Institute manual for the New Testament The Life and Teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. 


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