Matt 4 The Tempations

Posted by Weston

It only makes sense that at this pivotal time in our saviors ministry that the Tempter came to him. Although Christ was the son of God in the flesh he still suffered from all the pains that we do. So it is rational to assume that his body was weakened to a point that would have killed a normal human being, and as suck would have left him in a weakened state. It is in this state that the tempter come to him, offering him exactly what the body wanted. Food. To use his divinely given gifts to quench his hunger.
The temptations that are presented to the savior fit into one of three categories.
Giving into the desires of the flesh
Giving into our fears
Giving into our pride

Each is a man category that Satan uses against us.

Also of note is the use of the word "if". It was Satan's desire to bring doubt into the mind of the savior as to his own ability, or that of the father, to fulfill the great and everlasting plan of happiness.  ]
He uses the same temptation on each of us. How often have we wondered "if" we were good enough. How many have questioned "if" God cared at all, "if" he would answer their prayers. "If" we really received a witness of the spirit or "if" it was just our own minds. It is the great "if" of doubt that the advisory chose to use against he greatest of us all, and which he uses on us each day.


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