The Beatitudes Matt 5:3-11

Posted by Weston

These are some of the most well known one liners in the scriptures, and because of such they have become overlooked in their importance.
Joseph smith likened the process of obtaining exaltation to be like climbing a ladder. You must start on the bottom rung, and work your way up one rung at a time. What if we think of the beatitudes as the rungs of the ladder that lead us to exaltation.

First we must realize that we are lacking, that we need God in our lives. Then we mourn, and feel godly sorrow for our sins and short comings. Then we become meek and teachable. Accepting what God tells us and not reviling against it. Once we have become teachable, he will teach us, and we will hunger and thirst after righteousness. As we learn and gain the spirit we will be filled with charity, and become merciful to those around us. As we are filled with faith and charity the lord will purify our hearts and we will have no more desire to do evil. Then, like Lehi after partaking of the fruit, we will desire to share these blessings with others and bring the peace of the gospel into their lives. As we work to further Gods work, the enemies of the work will work against us, and we will be persecuted for righteousness sake.

Thus as you can see the beatitudes are not just a grouping of qualities, but he step by step process to becoming Christ like.


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