Ye Are The Salt of The Earth Matt 5:13

Posted by Weston

This scripture might not make as much sense to us today as it did in the time of the Bible. To us, salt is what makes us retain water, and we are constantly being told to limit our consumption of salt in our diets. Salty food are generally considered to not be very healthy, and can raise your blood pressure.However, it is essential to continual life on this planet.
Did you know that Salt is required to sustain animal life. Elephants go into caves to scrape salt from the walls and eat it. We give our cows salt licks in order to make sure that they have enough salt. Without it they would die.  Without salt all animal life on our planet would die. The fish of the sea would die and we would all die too.We have been using salt to preserve food for longer than we have had a written language. It was an essential element in the time of Christ to keep food from spoiling.
Thus the salt of the earth, is what preserves us as a people. It is the group of good people who go about their every day lives doing good things. They are not shining diamonds,  but are dull, gray and rough. But all the diamonds in the world couldn't take the place of the salt. They preserve the order of this world with their honesty, integrity, and hard work. Without them, we would all spoil and be worthless as a people.


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