Matt 5: 14-16

Posted by Weston

These verses from the sermon on the mount are quoted in almost every talk about missionary work I have ever heard. Yet they strongly contrast some of the lords other sayings. Here we are told to let our light shine that people may see our good works. Later we are told to pray hidden in our closets, and to not let the right hand know what the left hand is doing. That the fathers seeing what is done in secret will reward us openly.
In many ways these two scriptures are said to contradict each other. One says to let everyone see what you do that is good, the other says to not let anyone know. So what are we supposed to do?
The truth of the matter is that the two scriptures talk about the motive for doing the good works. In one the lord tells us to raise them on a candle stick to "glorify your father who is in heaven." The other tells us to do them in secret and to not seek for the praise of men. When we do good works people always see. You can't hide, there is always someone watching. The issue is when you do the good deed for the purpose of being seen. Instead of for the glory of God.


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